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Reviews for Excel in Exams

University Students and Parents
"Miranda, you’ve been invaluable, completely transforming my daughter’s approach to exams and study which has enabled her to achieve her (high!) potential.  I’ll be forever grateful and I hope that a lot more people will benefit now."
(Dereka (mother of university student), Essex)

"It is safe to say that the thought of meeting a ‘psychologist’ filled me with complete horror! Little did I know it would change my outlook on everything. Having her priceless guidance and advice has got me through moments which seemed impossible, whether that be exams or university applications, she has always provided me with perspective. The strategies Miranda used with me were effective and ones I still use frequently today."
(Lily - newly qualified paediatric nurse from King’s College London)

"Miranda has provided excellent guidance for me over the years, especially while completing my university degree and starting in my career. Her strategies for goal setting, self-motivation and performance in a challenging professional environment have proved extremely effective and are learnings I can hold on to and apply in all areas of life.
(Anna (environment consultant and masters graduate), Queensland, Australia)

Year 11 & Year 13 Students and Parents
"Miranda just gets it."
(Annie (mother of Year 11 student), West Sussex)

"Miranda has helped both our sons enormously with their confidence.  For boys, for whom focus and organisation can be a struggle, her approach makes a big difference not just with exam preparation but in goal-setting for life beyond school.  The benefits have been plain to see."
(Nick and Wendy (parents of Yr 13 students), Surrey)

"Miranda Banks hasn’t only shown me my potential; she has given me the tools to thrive.  I have been able to put my life together a-z with Miranda’s time allocation technique.  Miranda doesn’t just listen; she helps you to evolve into your greatest state. "
(Ashen (Year 11 student), East Sussex)

"Miranda provides clarity when life becomes complicated. She has an intuitive mind to help all walks and styles through all the kinds of difficulties that being human brings. Miranda provides passion, positivity and power to all situations and, most importantly, helps you understand what you need to do to overcome any problems you face, however big or small."
(JF – CEO Global Logistics Hong Kong (and father of Yr 13, Yr 11 and Yr 9 students))

"Miranda has not only helped me with my personal life, she has helped keep me focused on my studies with simple, easy to follow methods. Not only have my grades significantly improved, but my motivation to try my hardest has as well. Due to this, my confidence in my capability has sky rocketed, and I have no doubt in myself that I have the potential to succeed to the best of my ability. "
(Bella (Yr 13 student), Hong Kong)

"Miranda has a unique and wonderful ability to put you at ease while identifying the triggers and techniques that have helped enable both our children realise their learning and academic potential. This, combined with the sheer enthusiasm that Miranda imparts, has been a valuable motivator in positively influencing the school lives of our children from common entrance through to 1st year in university. We can whole-heartedly recommend Miranda as we are sure that you will experience the same. "
(Dave and Shelley (parents of Yr 10 and first year university students), Surrey)

"Miranda has been providing performance support and mentoring to our son for 2 years, with specific focus on exam preparation and revision technique. We have been delighted with the motivational support and direction that Miranda has provided - often providing really positive solutions to challenges that had not been considered before. We are continuing with this support this year as we believe it to be invaluable to our son's personal and educational development. As parents we are also very impressed with the clear and helpful feedback and communication about buying fake watches that we receive from Miranda - this enables us to stay fully informed on progress and to provide any additional home support to maximise the positive impact she is having. "
(Nick (parent of Yr 13 student), West Sussex)

Schools and University Clients
"I am delighted that Miranda has devoted the time to enabling many more students to access her brilliant motivational strategies.  Miranda Banks is Seaford College’s secret weapon.  We call her in when all other Intervention Strategies have not managed to deliver!
This resource will enable many more students to access the elements of the performance coaching that prove most effective with students who are underachieving in one or more areas.  However, all students will benefit from the enhanced performance that will inevitably result from working though her unique program. "
(B Jinks (Deputy Head), Seaford College, West Sussex)
"The system that Miranda has developed is effective, elegant and exceptionally easy to use. I believe that, once followed and learnt, it will be of immense benefit to students throughout their academic journey. "
(A Sutcliffe (Senior Lecturer in Product Design), Queen Mary University of London)

Sports Psychology Clients
"Oh Banks, what would we have done without you?!  You have not only been a fantastic help to me this year professionally, but you’ve also been a great friend.  Having you around is like a breath of fresh air!  It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with you and, yes, you can put this in your Sunshine Book! "
(Peta (State netball team captain), Queensland, Australia)

"Through the years I have worked with Miranda, she has helped me develop personally and professionally both on and off the field. Miranda has helped the team and I deal with many significant issues throughout her time at Queensland Rugby including change of head coaches, player suicides, team disharmony, leadership issues and team losses. Each player knew you could call on her at any time and she would drop anything to provide immediate assistance. "
(David (professional rugby player), Queensland, Australia)

"Banksie, you are an absolute treasure!  I have never met a Sports Psych whom I absolutely adore, until you.  Thank you for the enjoyment & fun times, as well as the help. "
(Jo (Australian and State netball team player), Australia)

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Pentre'r Efail,
Wales LL46 2YG

Telephone: 07789 933 936


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