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How Excel in Exams Can Support Your Child's Exam Preparation

Exam time is a stressful period, not just for the students for their families too. 

Parents want the best possible outcome for their children, where they have been able to show their best efforts and produce their best results.

Students also want to succeed.  However, they often battle issues of motivation, fatigue, distraction, poor self-belief and poor study skills.  Their inexperience of sitting exams may also mean that whilst they think they are doing enough work to achieve their target grades, this may not be the case, or their study skills are letting them down.

The run-up to exams and exam time itself can be the cause of many clashes between parents and children, putting pressure on family relationships.

As parents, you try to help by encouraging your child to study the way you believe they should, relying on memories of how you were taught to revise at school, with varying degrees of success

And in the meantime normal life goes on -  the everyday challenges of life with other family members, work, and relationships continue with the stress of exams on top of it all.

How can Smartivate help?

Smartivate™ addresses these common themes and gives both students and parents practical help to reduce the stress factor, bump up the effectiveness of study, and ease the strain on relationships too.  The concepts and strategies discussed in each of the programme sessions, as well as the other resources we provide, are concepts and strategies that can be implemented on a daily basis with great results. 

Smartivate™ gives students and parents the ‘how’ to study for exams, so that students are enabled to achieve their best and parents understand how best to support them.  There are also practical strategies for building confidence and resilience that your child will use for the rest of their lives.

Smartivate™ will coach your child in the skills and ways of thinking that many will never have encountered; they will revisit methods with which they are familiar but presented tailored to their needs.  Using the foundations of sports performance psychology, the Smartivate™ program of fake Rolex enables students to engage with these methods more readily, while the background concepts taken from neuropsychology reveal to them how the brain works. 

The programme also addresses academic skills such as essay writing, providing a systematic approach for students who struggle with issues such as organization, structure, and evaluation. 

Discover more about how the Smartivate™ programme works here.

  • In addition, the message is received as the students have to complete the activity for each session – and all input will be recorded in the final document that they print off:  their Personal Performance Preparation Plan
  • It removes the burden from fully-loaded Learning Support departments, but also gives some additional strategies to students that they can further discuss with Learning Support teachers where they access this help
  • The Personal Performance Preparation Plan also helps parents to understand and implement strategies to best help their child with exam preparation
  • Smartivate™ is focused on performance enhancement through improving motivation, academic and study skills, memory, and concentration as well as confidence-building and anxiety reduction techniques.  Implementation of these strategies results in better grades, happier students, and happier parents.
  • The Personal Performance Preparation Plan also helps parents to understand and implement strategies to best help their child with exam preparation
  • Smartivate™ is focused on performance enhancement through improving motivation, academic and study skills, memory, and concentration as well as confidence-building and anxiety reduction techniques.  Implementation of these strategies results in better grades, happier students, and happier parents.
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