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Welcome to Smartivate™

Welcome to the tailormade revision programme that will help you prepare for and excel in exams.

Say farewell to exam stress, last minute cramming and brain blanks and say hello to better focus, faster learning, stronger memory recall and smarter results.

The Smartivate™ online exam preparation course gives you all the tools and skills you need to prepare for and be successful at one of life’s most daunting challenges – taking exams.

The course programme consists of 21 sessions for you to work through at your own pace and designed to create a tailormade revision plan for students from year 7 through to A Level students, built around your personal learning styles and preferences.

The sessions include topics such as:

  • Enhancing motivation
  • Your training space and gear
  • Your learning style
  • Effective independent and group study
  • Sleep and exercise
  • Building your confidence
  • Time management
  • Your personal study calendar
  • Maximum performance for multiple exams

Each session follows the same format – an introduction page, a video presentation by Miranda and an activity you need to complete before you can move on to the next session.

Sessions vary in length – some may may take you 10 minutes to complete, others 20 minutes – work through them at your own speed and take your time to think about your answers.  Once you’ve completed a session you’ll move on to the next and won’t be able to revisit previous sessions. Have a question? Visit our FAQ page for our frequently asked questions.

Once you’ve completed the sessions you’ll be able to view your revision schedule, which includes your subject specifications of Audemars Piguet replica so you know exactly what you need to cover in order to be prepared and confident when you walk into the exam hall. We’ll also send you a little reminder via email one hour before your next revision session is due to start letting you know what it is you need to study next.

Now it’s time to take the next step to being in control of your exam preparation and giving yourself the best chance to show your full potential at exam-time. Let’s Smartivate™!

And don’t forget to share your exam preparation and exam day experiences over on our Facebook and Twitter pages - we look forward to hearing all about your success!

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Price: £79.99 
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Pentre'r Efail,
Wales LL46 2YG

Telephone: 07789 933 936


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