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What is Smartivate™?

Smartivate™is an online, interactive program comprising 22 sessions designed to coach students in the skills required for effective exam preparation and ultimate exam success.

Is Smartivate™ suitable for all students?

All students will benefit from the programme, from year 7 students right through to A Level students.  For the more academic, it will provide fine-tuning and some tips for that “final 10%”, improving efficiency and giving a competitive advantage; for the less academic, it will provide systems, strategies and processes to make exam preparation easier and sitting exams less daunting.

Does it replace my current study programme?

No.  It is designed to enhance your subject-specific study programme, coaching you in the “how” to prepare and sit exams, not the “what” of subject content.

Is it applicable to any set of exams?

All the methods described in each of the sessions apply to any exam or set of exams.  However, the Exam Revision Calendar is specifically tailored for GCSE and A Level exams.

How does it work?

In each session, you will watch a short 4-8 minute video clip, read through the summary notes and then complete an activity related to the content for that session.  All your completed activities will be recorded in a final document that you will keep at the end of the course - your Personal Performance Preparation Plan.

Can I go back to previous sessions?

No.  Once you have completed the session and have clicked “Next”, you will not be able to return to previous sessions.  The only exception to this will be your Exam Revision Calendar.  Once you have completed the session which contains your Exam Revision Calendar, you will be able to access your Calendar whenever you log in using your password.

What is the Personal Performance Preparation Plan?

This is a PDF document that comprises all the activities you have completed during the course.  It is your personal guide and a means of referring to material that you will have learned during the program.  On completing the program, you will be able to access your Personal Performance Preparation Plan and print it off for future reference.

How quickly do I need to complete the programme?

How long you take to follow the course is entirely up to you - some students work at a fast pace, while others prefer to take their time.  The estimated time to complete a session varies between 10 and 20 minutes, depending on the replica Rolex content. You can complete as many sessions as you like in one session, log off and then return in our own timescale. When you log back in, you will be taken to where you were when you logged off so that you can pick up again.  This means you can take as long as you need to complete the programme.

Can I request additional support?

Miranda will be offering monthly webinars on a variety of topics.  If you have further questions on the content of the programme, or other related topics, please email in your questions and she will try to cover them during those monthly webinars.  Webinar topics will be announced in advance and you will be able to book into them and then watch them at your convenience.

Can I request additional help from Miranda personally?

Miranda does provide some limited individual coaching and there may be availability, depending on her current client list and schedule.  For further information on this, please visit

Is it possible to receive a discount on the purchase of Smartivate™?

There are only two discount options available:  if your School or College negotiates a discount, you will receive a single use code for access to the discount – please speak to your School about this.  We also run promotions from time-to-time so keep an eye on the website and our social media channels for details of upcoming offers and discounts.

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Write to us:

Pentre'r Efail,
Wales LL46 2YG

Telephone: 07789 933 936


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